
I'm a Band Geek

I was switching all my music to my new, handy-dandy external hard drive last night and came across a great mp3 that I forgot I had. Let me preface this with the fact that I was a hardcore competitive marching band geek for 4 years in high school, and still play in the UNC Marching Tar Heels. I've never seen a Drum Corps show in person, but I love watching the videos when I can. They're basically professional marching band, and they're amazing.

Anyway, the mp3 I found was of Santa Clara Vanguard's 1989 show, "Phantom of the Opera." It is unbelievably good, and my favorite show, just ahead of the Cadets 2000 show.

So here, for your viewing pleasure, are the Santa Clara Vanguard!!

And here's that Cadets show I was talking about...wait for the drum break and the trumpet solo...It's pretty much the corps showing off.

Yes...I'm a band nerd.


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