
Triangle Music: Hopscotch Festival to host 120 bands in Raleigh

There have bit bits and pieces about a new ambitious music festival in Raleigh floating around for a little while now and it's definitely seems to be happening (the permits have even been filed). It's been dubbed the Hopscotch Festival and is being organized by The Independent Weekly. The festival is set to span 10 venues in downtown Raleigh and host a whopping 120 bands from September 9-11. The venues will include Tir Na Nog, The Pour House, Slim's and even City Plaza on on Fayetteville Street. Artists will include a mix of local and national acts.

Pretty pumped that Raleigh is finally getting a music festival. It deserves one with all the good local talent in the area. And now I won't have to go to Austin to see multi-day events full of music!!

Now if they would integrate technology and social media conferences and demos into it (like SXSW) it could be even cooler.

Great concept and expect me to be there in September.

Posted via web from Corey's posterous

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