
Carrboro Commons 3

Here is your twice-monthly message announcing the release of a new issue of the Carrboro Commons!!!

I have to say that this issue is absolutely amazing. We have some awesome people on staff. I would love to work in a newsroom with any of these guys.

This issue, I wrote a first-person account of Dance Marathon. It was tough to cram those 24 hours into a coherent article, but I really like the final product. I hope you enjoy it.

But don't stop there. Check out some other great articles about the collector's fair, the Carrboro Community Dinner, Carrboro Beverage Co., Rainbow Soccer and Cliff from Cliff's Meat Market, which includes an awesome video shot by Carly Brantmeyer.

Over the next few weeks the Commons will be on a bit of a hiatus due to spring break, but we'll be back with our fourth issue April 1.

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