
Nice Price Books

A review from the folks over at Vinyl Records finally convinced me to take my first trip to Nice Price Books, a little bookstore that sits right at the edge of Carrboro on Main Street. As much as I love books, what really drew me to this store was the music collection. Thousands upon thousands of CDs, tapes and records are piled up in the on the walls, on the floor and everywhere that there is space.

I have always loved sifting through stacks of music trying to find the "diamond in the rough" and this is the perfect place to do it. I was in there for an hour and didn't even notice. I could have spent another couple of hours browsing around.

But I walked out of the store three records richer and only $15 poorer. Can't beat that.

Here's what I bought:

Photo of Nice Price Books taken from Vinyl Records Blog.


Chris said...

I used to go there every time I went to Carborritos. It's pretty rockin.

Anna said...

Love that place...I got a great Iggy Pop album there a couple of years ago. It's definitely the place to go if you feel like treasure hunting!

Anonymous said...

interesting like the john lennon and yoko ono.